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The Handel Keyboard Opera Omnia

OUVERTURES from the Operas and Oratorios

The Complete Ouvertures for the Harpsichord

BOOK I HWV 426-433

Suites de pieces pour le clavecin (1720)

BOOK II HWV 434-442

Suites de pieces pour le clavecin (1732/1733)

BOOK III HWV 443-455

A Third Set of Harpsichord Suites


Preludios, Sonatas, Fantasias, Capriccios, Airs, Fugues
Chaconnes, Lessons, Gigues, and much more


Other Trascriptions (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Le Suite per clavicembalo di George Frideric Handel possono essere raccolte in tre gruppi, per un totale di 30 opere:

  • BOOK I, le famose 8 suite pubblicate nel 1720 dall'editore londinese Walsh e col benestare del compositore
  • BOOK II, le altre 9 suite (7 + 2 chaconne) pubblicate nel 1732/1733 ad Amsterdam e poi a Londra
  • BOOK III, ancora 13 suite, mai pubblicate da Handel in vita; quattro di esse presentano delle peculiarità:
    • HWV 446: è una suite per due clavicembali (in parte da ricostruire)
    • HWV 451: una suite frammentaria
    • HWV 453: una suite probabilmente trascritta da ouverture orchestrale (Nero?)
    • HWV 455: un'altra suite probabilmente trascritta da ouverture orchestrale (Florindo?).

With the exception of the BOOK I, BOOK II and the Great Fugues (1735), Handel never published all his remaining music for the keyboard. There are a number of studies and, generally speaking, many pieces of pure didactic value, but not only. For this reason we are grouping all these pieces over additional three books, as follows:

  • BOOK III, the other 13 Suites (with many rare masterpieces)
  • BOOK IV, a large collection of single pieces and suite-fragments
  • BOOK V, additional keyboard transcriptions from Handel's vocal and instrumental music; usually these are based on XIX and XX centuries transcriptions
    (e.g. Chrysander, De Luca, etc.)

Halle Saale um 1900
Marktplatz and the Handel's statue


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